5 Signs that its time to Discard those Cookbooks

Why is it so hard for us to declutter our cookbooks?  For some people – they are not just cookbooks, they have sentimental meanings attached to them.  Maybe they are cookbooks that were passed down from your mum or grandma and they are no longer with you, Perhaps, you used to love cooking and you used them all the time, but now you don't cook as much, but you don't want to let go of the books because they remind you of those (maybe happier) times.

If you're struggling for space in your kitchen, cookbooks are the easiest ways to make some much-needed space.  Have a read through this post and if any of the following applies to you.


1 - Your shelf is totally overflowing.

When you run out of space, you have to declutter, if you don’t you end up with too much stuff and too little space. If you enjoy cooking, it can be upsetting to think of your prized collection of cookbooks as clutter, but if they are so stacked up or wedged in or you have had to find another place to carry on your collection - they start becoming a problem. Ask yourself the 3 questions above if there are any you are unsure of, like the books you use occasionally why not photocopy or write down the recipes you love from that book and donate the book to your local charity shop - It’s a winner for everyone – You keep the recipes you love, the shop makes some money, and the new owner of the cookbook can use those recipes. 


2 - It’s covered in dust.

When John and I first moved in together, I wanted to be the perfect partner – I knew that I couldn’t cook so I bought a lot of cookbooks to enable me to be the wife with dinner on the table when he got home from work.  (Think Stepford Wives).  What I found was these cookbooks needed so many ingredients, most of which were different in every recipe – so if I did decide to cook from the book – I didn’t have the correct ingredient.  Can you guess what happened to the cookbooks?  They sat on my kitchen shelves looking oh so pretty – The fantasy of being a domestic goddess had well and truly gone, but the cookbooks hadn’t.

We moved house twice and you know what – those cookbooks came with us even though I didn’t even use them because I thought “One day, I might need a recipe from them”.  I did not.  I said goodbye packed them off to the charity shop and good luck to the next person who bought them. I only have 7, no make that 9 recipe books now.  Some might say that is still too many – but I do use 5 quite regularly and 2 I use occasionally – as I write this post – I have inspired myself to discard the Jamie Oliver one – as I have never cooked anything from it.

How to Organise your cookbooks

3 - It’s never been opened.

Maybe you were given a cookbook as a gift – and it’s been sitting on your shelf ever since.  If it’s been at least a year never even opened it, you can discard it.  My sister bought my husband and me one for Christmas a few years back – it was 100 soup and stew recipes – I know it was a well-thought-out gift, as John does love to cook – but he doesn’t ever use a recipe book – he just comes up with his own recipes.  So, when I was decluttering my cookbooks that had to go – Sorry Sis xx

4 - You can’t read the recipes.

The hardest cookbook to discard is the one that you use regularly – but you’ve spilt and stained the book to the point where the pages are stuck together, I think it is time to let this one go to the great cookbook heaven in the sky.  If you are keeping it for sentimental reasons that’s absolutely fine – if you have the space.

5 - You get all your recipes online.

Even though I have my Pinch of Nom cookbooks that I use regularly, if I am looking for a simple meal idea - I’m much more likely to go online. If you’re the same -that’s fine, but if it’s been years since using a physical cookbook, ask yourself do you really need them anymore. By all means, if you have the space, and you like the aesthetic keep them, but if you don’t have the space, think of the NOW you and let them go. I have a notebook with my cookbooks, in which I write down recipes that I have found online (or if I’m being lazy – I print them out and stick them in) the notebook.

I hope this post has helped with your cookbook dilemma.  Let me know in the comments if you are a cookbook collector – or have felt the urge to purge, and what did you do with your old books?


Believe in yourself, you got this, Now Go Declutter!


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