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Hello and Welcome, 

I’m Dawn! I’m so glad you've popped over here to join me.    

I'm a recovering level 3 hoarder (without the poop), and I suffer from depression and anxiety.  There, that's said, it's out of the way.  

I'm a mum to 4 children, two of which have flown the nest and have children of their own.  My youngest two live at home.  I am married to my childhood sweetheart John

For many years, I struggled to get my house in order, I used to wake up in the morning – look around and become completely overwhelmed.  When the doorbell rang unexpectedly, I had that devastating sense of dread that somebody would want to come into my house.  I didn’t know where to start when it came to cleaning. I was drowning in a sea of clutter.  

I had tried numerous times to “Get Organised, have been to counselling and done CBT courses and the like,  and what I found was that it worked for a little while, then a few weeks later (if that) I was back to stuff shuffling and dodging falling items when I tried to open a cupboard.  

I tried every new hint, tip and hack available on social media and quite frankly nothing worked long-term. It only made me feel more depressed, and to make myself feel better, I would log on to Ebay, Amazon etc and buy something.  Well, that worked for about a minute, then when the item arrived, after the initial joy of opening the package - came that familiar feeling "Where the hell are you going to put that now Dawn?" - yes I talk to myself a great deal too.

I hated my stuff, I hated cleaning and sadly, I ended up hating my house…. 

Fast forward to now and I can breathe a sigh of relief, and when I look around my home, I fall in love with it over and over again.  I no longer have to watch where I walk for fear of falling or tripping over something, (you see what I did there with the two types of falling 😊 ) I have clear surfaces and I no longer hate cleaning; in fact, I actually look forward to it… because when it’s done, I have the rest of the day to do what I enjoy.  

I can say, I have a beautiful, uncluttered and organised home.  It's not perfect, and it's not going to win any awards for the most inspiring picture on Instagram or Pinterest - But what it is... IT'S REAL... It's where I live every day, not just for photo shoots.

If you feel like you’ve tried many times to get your home in order and you’re ready to give up.  I’m here to tell you that you really can have a beautiful, uncluttered and organised home, which will not take hours a day to keep it looking fabulous.  I promise you, if I can do so can you.

I want to help you achieve the home you’re dreaming of, too!

Imagine never again having to spend hours moving your clutter before you can even begin cleaning.  

Imagine being able to have a friend come over and there be a seat available for her to sit down on without having to scoot all your stuff onto another chair, or on the floor?

Imagine coming home to a space that you LOVE, and feeling peaceful and Calm instead of Overwhelmed and Frustrated.  You could have more time with Family and Friends (If you want to that is 😊)

I created Go Declutter was created with ONE single mission in mind, to help overwhelmed people like I am, not so long ago, to create a calm and relaxing home, one that you are happy and safe living in.  I know it's not fun living in a cluttered environment, I know how hard it can be when you don't know where to start because there is no way you can try to comprehend which is the best room to start tackling.

I'm not going to promise you:

·       You could spend just minutes a day on cleaning and you’d have a clean and organised home all week. 

·       If you buy a warehouse full of boxes and organise your food into colours - your life will be magical and you will have a pet unicorn that will love you forever.

But what I will promise you is:

·       I will show you a way that You really can have a beautiful decluttered and clean home.

·       Your house doesn’t have to be clean from top to bottom to start a cleaning routine.

·       You don’t need to colour code everything (as beautiful as it looks) – sometimes life is better with mixed-up colours

I want you to promise me:

·       You will give it a go – At least for 7 days

I swear you will be surprised – and thrilled at the progress you can within the first week. 

I will be here with you every step of the way because I know -  IT IS HARD – I know it, you know, so let’s not pretend otherwise.  But together – we will get you through it, and you will be so thrilled that you did the hard work now.


To get you started I have created a FREE 10-page Comprehensive Decluttering Workbook  to get you started on your decluttering Journey



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