Are you actually a Hoarder? 5 Stages of Hoarding

The 5 Stages of Hoarding: What are They?

Recognising the signs of Hoarding, as with any mental health condition, is the first step to getting the appropriate care.   The sooner you identify the symptoms, the sooner the recovery can begin.

Hoarding is a mental health disorder.  Despite what you might see on reality TV shows.  It affects between 2.5 % – 6 %  of the United Kingdom. 

The 5 stages of hoarding, what are they

People have very different ideas about what it means to have a cluttered home.  To overcome the problems associated with over-and under-reporting of hoarding symptoms, a universal clutter image rating (CIR) was developed. This was based off a study was completed by Frost RO, Steketee G, Tolin DF, Renaud S.   In short –The CIR’s picture method make it easier for measuring the clutter dimension of compulsive hoarding.

If left untreated, there can be many negative consequences with regards to hoarding , including causing relationship problems, work and social activities disruptions.  There are also safety hazards in the home like tripping, fires, harmful bacteria, and potential rodent infestations.

Listed and defined below are the 5 stages of hoarding, so you can protect your loved ones and know if it’s time to intervene.

Stage 1. Clutter, but no concern

This is the lowest stage on the hoarding scale, it generally means a person isn’t at risk of being a hoarder and doesn’t require action. If someone fits into this category, their home is a bit disorganised, but it is safe, and sanitary. The space will have the following conditions:


·       All stairways, doors, and windows are accessible

·       Sufficient ventilation

·       An appropriate number of pets live in the environment

·       Fire and carbon monoxide detectors are installed

·       No unpleasant odours

Clutter may be present in small amounts, but it’s temporary and recognised by the homeowner. The person in question also takes care to maintain a regular and consistent housekeeping routine.


Stage 2. Deteriorating hygiene, possible hoarder

Concerns should be raised if someone exhibits symptoms from the second stage on the hoarding scale.  However, this may not inevitably suggest a hoarding diagnosis. A person who fits into this category might need professional cleaners to organise their space, which will have the following:


·       One important exit blocked with clutter

·       Pet faeces and hair in parts of the house

·       Problems with some of the electric and plumbing systems

·       Overflowing garbage points

·       Dirty dishes, laundry, and mould growing in different spaces

The person will, at this stage, have an inconsistent housekeeping routine, but likely an awareness that their home is deteriorating in hygiene.

Stage 3. Extreme disorganisation, likely disorder

This is the threshold between a messy, cluttered environment, and one that may be a hoarding environment. The space will be noticeably disorganised and overwhelming, and the individual’s behaviour may be changing. Physical signs in the house include:

·       Insect infestations from ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, and lice

·       Piles of objects obstructing key living areas

·       Multiple broken appliances

·       Unwiped spills and breaks left for days

·       One room is not being used for its intended purpose (e.g., the bathroom used for storage)

Both medical and cleaning professionals should be called if you worry that someone has reached stage 3. When contacting them, specify the details of the person’s living conditions and behaviour. For example, if they have become more secluded, refuse to have the camera on during video calls, or struggle to throw items away that clearly have little or no value.

Stage 4. Excessive clutter & behaviour, contact professionals

Someone suffering from Stage 4 symptoms is deemed highly likely to have a hoarding disorder. Housing agencies, protective services, elderly services (if necessary, and animal control may need to be contacted to restore the place of residence, which will contain:


·       Structural damage in the home (e.g., water damage, broken doors, plumbing)

·       An excessive number of pets and pet waste

·       Clutter preventing entrance to stairs, rooms, and exits

·       Expired and rotting food

·       Odours and backup in sewage points

A coordinated team of cleaners will be needed in this circumstance, alongside mental health experts and social workers. The homeowner will likely show anxiety about needing items in the future or become distressed when others touch or suggest removing their belongings.

Stage 5. Severe unsanitary conditions, hoarding diagnosis

This is the highest stage on the scale indicates a severe hoarding condition. The affected individual may even be going through legal proceedings like divorce, custody, or eviction because of the state of their home. The housing environment will require intervention from a number of professionals as well as family and friends, who can easily identify:


·        Extreme indoor clutter making key living spaces unusable

·        No ventilation

·        Irreparable damage to the home’s structure

·        Disconnected water and/or electrical services

·        Pervasive mould and mildew

·        Animal health is at risk, and animals are a danger to humans

At stage 5, anyone entering the home will require full personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks, safety goggles, gloves, hand sanitiser, and a first aid kit. The cleaning process will also require specialised tools and chemicals to safely restore liveable conditions and remove harmful bacteria. 

Coming to terms with the possibility of a loved one being a hoarder is not easy. However, acknowledging when someone may need help can have a hugely positive impact on their journey ahead. Once you’ve accurately determined which stage they are in, you can move forward with processes like arranging a professional clean-up team to make their home a sanitary, comfortable space again. 

If you would like a copy of the Clutter Rating Pictures you can download them.

If you would like any help on hoarding, I have listed some relevant links below:

Independent Age




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