6 Easy Steps to Organise Your Fridge Like a Professional

The fridge is one of the most regularly used appliances in the house. Everyone has access to the refrigerator.  A lot of unnecessary items pile up not only inside, but on the outside of the fridge. You may have empty boxes tucked away on top of the refrigerator, artworks of our budding little Picassos, certificates, notes, lists, and finally some expired food items. 

The fridge has a lot going on, and sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of your produce and organise your fridge. Efficiency of the fridge may be reduced if you have to spend time rifling through the clutter each time you need something. This is why it is so important to have decluttering your fridge as an essential part of your house cleaning routine.

Over time the average fridge can get really dirty and overcrowded.  What do you think when you open your fridge? Do you wince a little? Do you recoil at the smell that you just can’t seem to put your finger on?  Then my Goddess, it’s time to tackle that fridge and all the clutter it so dutifully holds.  I know that cleaning out your Fridge can be a daunting task, but after it is done, you can be safe in the knowledge you won’t be eating anything, erm, how can I put this – undesirable.


Start with a full surface clean

Take everything out of your fridge.  It’s time for a full surface clean to remove any spills, stains or crumbs that may be in your fridge.   Remove your shelves and give them a nice hot soapy bath, this includes any drawers.  This will kill any bacteria that has treated your fridge like a playground.  Dry them as thoroughly as you can and leave them for a while to air dry. Next wipe down all of the interior of the fridge.  I like to use hot soapy water, pat dry, and with a microfibre cloth give it all a spray and wipe with anti-bacterial spray.  Don’t forget the doors and seals of the fridge, grease and grime can build up in the little crevices of the seal.  I like to use a cotton bud dipped in some hot soapy water to remove any crud that’s built up.

By removing all of the items it will allow you to take an inventory what you have in the refrigerator and discard anything you absolutely don’t need.


Discard any Expired products

Fridges get cluttered because we keep foods and leftovers with the best intentions of using them in the future…and we either forget about them or just simply don’t fancy eating it the day after, and the item can get pushed in to the void we call the back of the fridge and forgotten about.  It’s easy to do, and like the me in the “Cluttered Dawn Days” I’m sure you have come across something in the next week or so and … well let’s just say if it had legs, it would walk itself to the bin.

Now is time to discard all unnecessary things in the fridge.

  • ·        Leftovers – Either use them or discard them
  • ·        Spoiled or Stale Food – Discard
  • ·        Nearly empty bottles – Use them or discard
  • ·        Food you’re not going to use – Discard

The best way to avoid this mammoth task in the future is to choose one day a week to do a quick mine-sweep of all of the above products.

Well done, it’s time to put everything back again.    Now there are plenty of re-organising ideas around, but the main rule is to maximise the use of space. Avoid the clutter and keep what is necessary to be saved.

Place food in square, stackable containers or round ones. The shapes of the containers help to restore order and maximise space. I use square containers to store my ham and cheese for the lunches, and I use rectangle storage containers for bacon.

If you tend to use leftovers, you can store them in smaller bags or plastic containers before placing in the fridge.

Keep unopened cans of food and beverages in cabinets.  You should never keep tins/cans in the fridge.


Take inspiration from Restaurants

Restaurateurs organise their fridges with food safety in mind. Their way of doing it is to organisbased on the temperature the foods need to be cooked to.

When food is organised this way, any cross-contamination that occurs won’t be a problem because the food that’s contaminated has to be cooked to a higher temperature than the food sitting above it that may have dripped down.


So how do we adopt their way of organisation?

1. Upper shelves: Leftovers, drinks, and ready-to-eat foods (like yogurt, cheese, cooked meats).

2. Lower shelves: Raw ingredients such as uncooked meats.

3. Door: The Fridge door is the warmest part of the fridge, so only condiments should go there. You really shouldn’t put eggs or milk in the door, as they should be placed in a colder part of the refrigerator.  However, I do use the fridge door for storing my milk, because no sooner is the bottle of milk open, then it’s finished within a day or so.  If I have an extra bottle of milk, I do store on one of the lower shelves.

4. Drawers: The drawers in a fridge are designed to hold produce at specific humidities, it makes sense to store fruits and veggies there. But they’re usually at the bottom of the fridge, so we risk contaminating our fresh vegetables if we put meat on the shelf above.

A couple of solutions

If you have two drawers, make one of them exclusively for veggies and the other exclusively for raw meat.

If one drawer is above the other, use the lowest drawer for meat. If they’re side-by-side, either drawer would be fine. Clean the drawer you’re using for meat often.

Need both drawers for fruits and veggies? If it’s unavoidable to put raw meat above other foods, improvise your own meat drawer by using a clear plastic bin that will catch any accidental drips and keep the meat safely away from everything else.

Check your temperature settings

Help your food stay fresh longer by taking a minute to make sure your temperature settings are appropriate. A refrigerator should stay around 37°F (3°C) and 40°F (5°C).


Use your Freezer

Some food items last longer when frozen. You can store them neatly in containers or bags and, I have put some large containers in my freezer.  I store potato/vegetables in one, meats in one and any bread products in the other.  Not only does it create more space in the fridge it reduces clutter, items last longer and you can fit much more in the freezer without having them fall out on you.


Take advantage of your Fridge

Most people do not use their fridge at its full capacity. The purpose of a fridge is to cool and preserve items, but there are also a few compartments with specific uses.  The handy-dandy egg holder.  Storing eggs in the egg holder instead of an egg carton in your fridge can save you loads of valuable space.  This is extremely important if you are trying to organise a small kitchen.


Add It to Your House Cleaning Routine

All your hard work will be in vain if you don’t keep on top of it.  Make cleaning the fridge a habit or part of your regular house cleaning routine. The fridge can get cluttered easily and very quickly.  Therefore, to maintain order, you must be consistent.

It doesn’t have to always be a full declutter and clean, just check for expired or spoilt food items and discard them.  Place leftovers or perishable foods in an easy to see location. 

Try to avoid putting food items on the top of the fridge as you might forget them.

How do you organise your fridge? Do you have any specific days that you clean out? Drop me a comment.

Believe in Yourself, You got this, Now GO Declutter!


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